Thanksgiving extravaganza, Part 2

Jul 30, 2008 00:01

I had a dream the night before last, and it was effing bizarre

So I'm standing behind a cluttered counter, with a cash register in front of me. It's pretty clear to me where I am, because Carol, my manager from GNC for the last 4 years, is standing right beside me.

Suddenly Kevin Hipp and Tommy Nadaner walk up to the counter, each placing a KFC bucket on the counter. Each bucket is filled to the top with gravy, with large pieces of deep fried chicken floating to the top. I take one of the still crispy pieces of chicken and swirl it around in its brown gravy bath. Presumably, I'm confused as hell as to why someone is buying chicken at GNC. As I prod the bucket, of KFC , Kevin says, 'We didn't come here for the chicken, we just came here for the mashed potatoes,' and places the potatoes on the counter.

The potatoes stand out in a couple ways. First, the mashed potatoes are completely wrapped in foil, and shaped to look like a roasted thanksgiving turkey. Second, and more important, there's no price tag. I even lift up the potato bird to look for one, but don't see a price sticker. I asked Kevin if he happened to see a price when he picked it up off the shelf, and he said that it was $2.65. I look down at the register, and to my horror I realize that all of the paper labels on the keys have been stripped, and I can't see which key is the price override key (the manual pricing dealio).

So I'm there freaking out, looking around for the price override key, with my manager standing next to me being completely not helpful, and then..

-end of dream-

What does this even mean!?!?
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