@1215thexiahtic 준수야 역시 같이있을때 너무 재밌어ㅋ 우리 숙소생활다시 할까?ㅋ
Trans: Junsu it was fun doing things together as expected. Do you want to live together in the dorm again?
@mjjeje 형집으로 갈께...
Trans: Hyung I’m coming to your house…
@mjjeje 유천이가 너무 웃겨...ㅋㅋ개그맨
Trans: Yoochunah is so funny… ㅋㅋ comedian
@1215thexiahtic 유천이..오늘 너무 웃겼어ㅎㅎ아 오늘 하루를 Replay하고 싶다ㅋ
Trans: Yoochunie.. was really funny todayㅎㅎ Ah I really want to 'Replay' the whole of todayㅋ
Source: mjjeje, 1215thexiahtic
Translated by: rubypurple_fan,
Shared by : ieie