Woo. It's been a while.

Jul 05, 2006 22:53


SO! Friday, Dave, Scott, Claire, and I all went to Zach's house to watch stupid ninja movies and eat too much food. We also did a hip-hop workout video, and got some wonderful videos of Zachary gettin' his groove on. Blackmail? Oh yes. Haha. Nah. Claire's the only one with the videos anyhow. Lmao. That was such a crazy party. Haha. But what happens on South George Washington, STAYS on South George Washington. Lmao. Zach's dad must think I'm a loon :D And to think, there was absolutely no drugs or alcohol involved in any of it. LMAO! We're just a bunch of sober freaks.

Once I got home, Brittney asked me to go with her to Cape Cod for the weekend! And my mommy said I could!


Mhm. So Brittney and her wonderful mommy picked me up around 6 in the morning and we were off!! I was so perky, haha. And I am not a morning person. But I was excited! I'd never been to Cape Cod before.

We drove for a while, Brittney slept in the front seat and I sang along to the radio, of course. Then we stopped at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast! FREAKING EVERY CRACKER BARREL IS IDENTICAL! We got coffee and pancakes. Mine had blueberries, which I got on my skirt. Haha. So then Cheryl was like "Okay, let's go" but Brittney was still finishing her pancakes so I'm like "GO GO GO GO GO GO!" and she nearly squished pancake and whipped cream out of her mouth, it was so funny. So then we go to the bathroom, and Brittney runs up, grabs the door, realizes it's the MENS ROOM, turns her head and makes a classic, Spoon 'Scandal' Face, and runs to the ladies room. It was so great.

So then we were off again. We finally get to the cottage, and Gracey and Danny were all over us from the start. Hahaha. They were so cute that first day. At one point I actually turned to Brittney and said "I wanna be a mommy."

We went to the beach too. Haha. We had to paperclip my bathing suit so it'd stay on. I felt like MacGyver in a red dress. Then I got a sunburn and got attacked by some icky sand bug. And I went swimming with Danny and Grace and scraped my knee. I bled everywhere, haha. We had to go to the lifegaurd and get a bandaid and stuff. Which burned into my leg, haha, so I have the greatest tan lines on my leg.

Later we went back to the beach for fireworks, which made me sad, cuz I swore I wouldn't watch the fireworks without Scott this year. Cuz for like the last 5 years, I've cried every fourth of july cuz it made me so sad to watch the fireworks alone, especially when looking around you'd see basically everyone cuddling somebody, so it always made me wicked sad. But it was still cool to watch them with Brittney. Haha, at one point she looked at her mom and she was like "Where's Zach?" haha. She kept forgetting he wasn't there. It was cute :P

When we finally went to bed, I picked out this obnoxious puke green pillow case and slept with my Navy shirt. See, I didn't wanna bring Quincy, so while going through my clothes, I noticed that my Navy shirt smelled like Scott from Friday, so I packed that to sleep with instead. It was really, I don't know, comforting?


So I wake up to Danny and Gracey jumping on my bed! Nice wake up, hehe. Those kids are like. In love with me. Which isn't very nice, cuz they're supposed to be in love with BRITTNEY! But yea. I walk out of our room and Cheryl goes "The first thing Danny said to me this morning was 'I want Spoon!'" It made me feel all important. Then we got dressed and went back to the beach. I didn't bother with my bathing suit, so Brittney and I just hung out on the sand and napped and got a tan. After a while Danny came and laid between us. Haha. He is such a pimp. :P

Then later we went out for ice cream!! OH MY GOD! THEY HAD FREAKING PEACH FROZEN YOGURT! I was so excited :D It was great. And we're eating it in the parking lot, and some girl drives by, leans out the window and yells "CAN I GET A WOOT?" and Brittney goes "What?" and I go "Woot!" and she yells "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" And I yelled "THANK YOU FOR CLARIFYING CUZ I WASNT SURE WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT!" But she was probably too far away to hear me. Hehe.

So then me and Brittney went home and we talked to Bill and watched more fireworks, and then we watched Robot Chicken, ATHF, and Tom Goes to The Mayor, which had Gary Busey :D I love Gary Busey, haha.

Then we went to bed after a bit of girl talk :D


We got up, and packed to leave. I gave the O'Neil's my phone number so they could call me if they needed a babysitter. That's pretty cool, hehe.

Then we left, and got lost like 3 times. Haha. We took a wrong exit, drove all the way back around, then took the same wrong exit. Hahaha. It was pretty great.

Eventually, we arrived. Not at home, oh no! But Ruby Tuesday's! Yes! Here, we purchased both liquid and solid sustinence. And my mom called.

Mom: Where are you?
Me: Ruby Tuesdays!
Mom: In Enfield?
Me: No.
Mom: So when are you coming home?
Me: After we finish eating?

And then we did! And I misplaced my sweatshirt somewhere, haha.


FOURTH OF JULY! Celebration of our nation's independance, and of the birth of the love of my life! Haha, I went to Scott's uncle's house for a cookouty thing.

Best day of my life, hands down.

I was literally moved to tears. Three times.

The first time was when he fell asleep in my arms. I just held him and looked at him, and I kissed his hair and just started crying. It was just the most overwhelmingly beautiful moment. I love him so much. I really do.

The second time was later that night when Scott was lighting off his fireworks. We had the radio on (and you can bet Spoon did some crazy dancing, haha, and singing....Scott's aunt actually has a video of me on her camera...which btw, ask her to send me that?) and "Proud to Be an American" came on. That song gives me chills when it's just me singing it, but you have me, Scott's parents, Vicki, her kids, Scott's aunt and Uncle, and their friends, and it was just so. Wow. I started crying, but you know I didn't stop singing that song till it was done!

The third time was when we went to go watch someone else's fireworks. Scott was holding on to me from behind, and I was just so happy to be there, with him, with his family, watching the fireworks....I just started crying. And then he took my arms and made me dance and ruined the moment. Lmao. He's so obnoxious sometimes. I love him though, even if I do wanna punch him in the face haha. Nah. There's usually no violence aimed towards him. I hit him with a few bean bags in tic tac toe, though. Haha. And he went to flip me over his hip and I countered, but that's basically the most that every happens.

But yea. Best day of my life. There need to be more days like that. LMAO. Oh yea. And I learned why men don't have babies. :D Hahaha.


I'm not sure why, but it hit me really hard today that August is next month. I started crying in Stop N Shop. And I took my anger out on a poor, defenseless shopping cart. I was also kind of mad at Scott for making fun of the Air Force.

For the record, sitting in chairs is NOT all they do.

I'd like to see you pilot a plane doing god knows what standing. >:P


And I hate eating.

FIN...and stuff.
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