It is a miracle. Never been has this happened before, and we'll be very lucky if it ever happens again. A verifiable miracle! All my shoes have gotten smaller, I can tell, because they don't fit my feet any more. Alert the presses! Sound the claxons! Raise alarum! Do other such activities of that nature!
Adam and Cristina invited me around his dorm room to eat his leftovers (apparently there's enough for 3 and 1/2 people, which means they can only invite me), that was just after Cristina said she was leaving him for me because he has a bag/cord fetish.
I'm going to the compromise rules match on November 5th. Compromise rules is a combination (or compromise!) of gaelic football and aussie rules football. Its only played once a year, and it alternates between being held in Australia or Ireland. It is completely mental, and as such one of the greatest games in existence. The Australians are professionals and thus have an advantage in training, physique and such, but aussie rules involves an oval ball and compromise rules uses a round ball, which is pretty much the only advantage the Irish have, as gaelic football is (proudly) an amateur, part-time sport.
Crazy old Belgian kills himself with one of 20 traps designed to kill his family: I know bono
and he knows ono
she knows eno
whose phone goes thus
brian's not home
he's at the north pole
but if you'd like to leave a weird noise
*weird noise*
There's a card in the post.