May 29, 2004 22:00
Ok, so who wakes up one day and is suddenly says to themselfs "Hey I want to carry around some shit, I'm going to get a messenger bag." Okay, so some of those people perhaps bought a laptop computer and got one of those high class padded messenger bags to go along with it, you know so like if you have to check your e-mail while your walking to your favorite high-class-fuck-shit coffe house. Yeah and maybe you know, somone has a skethbook, and a notebook so they can write poetry and write really stupid meaningless crap down in black ink with black hearts, and vines and other stupid shit. Girls can have a messenger bag, sure, it's like a purse, or something, fuck it, I wont get into it , but I'll let it slide if a chick has a messenger bag. Or if someone has a sketchbook and pencils and shit, but only if they are worthy of having a sketchbook.....anyways. Who the fuck just devcides one day, Hey I really should carry around all this stupid shit everywhere I go? Now, I've noticed alot of these fuck's just have them to carry around their digital camera so they can take blurry pictures of shit and be like oHHHHH wow I think im a photographer, yeah, you and the rest of the kids with daddy's new canon powershot. Fuck you and fuck your daddy too. Hey while your carying your stupid looking bag, with your cell phone and cannon elf, how bout you ummm write some of that stupid fucking poetry on the bag! Or maybe some pathces and pins, HOW FUCKING ORIGINAL. Since when did it become cool to be uncool, I mean really whats that bullshit about. I am uncool, I deal with it. I listen to Danzig, and slayer, and a hoast of other really shitty music. It's cool, I like it, I dont think it makes me cool, I just think it makes me, well me, and i dig me, and happen to think im real neat. Oh fuck, lets spray paint shitty stencils on all of our shit, with overly coined phrases on them, in really, really, really, really, really offensive colors. FUCK YEAH. Come people are fucks.