while driving home, g-thang called and told me how gay i was,
how i don't do anything when im supposed to spit some fire, and
how somethingawful website forums is making fun about my rap flow...
so he decided to kick me out of stg, i am out of stg now :[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
i was so depressed that i started lisetning to old songs like
i killed the lamb, bernie diss, freinds forever 2005, stg victory 2005
and all the other great artistic songs, but it didn't feel the same
fortunately, i saw a pouch hanging from the roof.. so i stood up
using all bits and pieces of my muslces to get that damn dip pouch
and the dip pouch was dwight, and alex 8-) the formal utd goons
so, we created a groop called STD, i hope you guys like my new flow
edit : someone please tell gabriel to reconsider about kicking me out :{[[[[[[
Dwight - Guitar
John Rotko - Bass
Alex Hays - Drums
Kevin Jo - Vocal + Keyboard
STD - Yesterday.mp3 man, i just can't show it to you guys it hurts even more