BoondockFairy87: Ima rule breaker heart breaker yeah im laura lamb from Sharyland you dont even want to know what goes on with Kevin jo and gaberil they rap like they be goons but we will see the truth soon go lick a spoon of cum cuz we know you cant get the rum yeah you aint down wit it just get out a town wit it Its not my fault you want to lick my pussy but im too busy playing hooky
Yeah I know you wanted to be my boy but nigguh please im too busy with my real boy toy . YOU GOT PUNK'D
edit : i don't want anyone else to hear this because it is very "mean"
editedit :
edit editedit : J IS F0R JOSH: BoondockFairy87: josh
Auto response from J IS F0R JOSH: brb
BoondockFairy87: wtf
BoondockFairy87: did you show someoen the lyrics?
J IS F0R JOSH: BoondockFairy87: someoen showed kevin jo the lyrics haha
BoondockFairy87: it was either you or bernie
J IS F0R JOSH: BoondockFairy87: ohw ell whatever
J IS F0R JOSH: yeah it wa sme
BoondockFairy87: oh okay well thanks haha
J IS F0R JOSH: welcome np np np
LOL AFTER THIS I'LL PUT THE LJ CUT, IM SO SORRY!! EDITX134134 : oh god thank you alex i used to shoot you down like a clown
but it ain't funny anymore cuz im in downtown
i gotta meet this boy named mr.hays
he ain't yo ordinary man, he pays
he do the work and play
alex hays man, we get blaze
420 getting high every day
alex hays man, i pray and praise
precal wolpin we learned some rays
yo alex let's go to the arcade you jump
and i thump, maybe we could hump
let's do a bump now let's play pump
aight, you can dump on my chest
i'll feed you more poop so you digest
and keep them dump coming cuz i'll be cumming
and carlos is humming like a bird
he's the anti-dwi man, ya heard
yo i still remember that fy_iceworld
kjo you acting like you are in transworld
i know you love me, but fuck you i love gina
maybe you can change your name to sabrina
but i won't buy that im living for me now
i play ddr like if i am an octopus
kjo you smoked too much of cannibus
why don't you quit for you future children
you might call me malice cuz i live in dallas
but when i cum down here i live in palace
in addition i used to ride sharyland's bus
sharylan'ds in mission, that's why it's a plus
bernie ain't shit i can kill his monkey ass
stg's rap's pipe -piper so pass that grass
good bye kevin jo im leaving your house
oh wait im cumming so opne your mouth.