I sort of miss playing frisbee. I miss cj, I miss the people there.
Everything feels different, and I don't like it as much now.
It's prolly cos everyone became better and I got too lazy.
I hate how I'm so lazy.
I hate how my emotions are so raw right now.
I hate how I need song lyrics to express how I feel. (HAHAHAHAHAHAH :D If you recognise this, good for you.
But I also hate how I always say "I don't know" (but still like to think I'm smart) and it's so damn annoying, cos I hate it when people tell me they don't know either.
But then again, when I don't say "I don't know" I say inaccurate stuff like "she's on the stage", "she's in the toilet", "she's uhdahdahdahdah somebody"
Hahah bye yall :D zb's finally back :D