give in, give it up.

Aug 05, 2009 21:24

I think I've been perpetually tired recently (like xavier, eww haha)
So anyway I'm really itching to play frisbee! Like really really really really want to play okay D:
Haha especially after watching all the UPA videos on youtube!
Wha, they're grabs and D's all damn nice plz.
Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday! I really need Friday right now!!
Everytime I close my eyes, I just keep thinking that there are like a lot of discs flying on top of me ^^
Haha then I'll just like reach my hand up and grab one! (Okay, I sound really distubed right now, I should stop)
So omg, Friday plz plz plz :D
Though its kind of sad that they're closing the field next week :( --> last pick up this Friday!
And tomorrow's my last PE (pronounce PEH) lesson! Haha D:

Bytheway, anyone noticed how I stopped running my mouth already?
Gawd, I've been talking so little lately D:
So maybe its not the tom yum really! Hahah --> I think its the period! Zomg D:>
Wokay, imma go attempt to do my SGC right now!
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