this is this brand new recording put together by MAGIC DRAGONS (Bradly Woodham and Nicholas Mandino)for Ford the River.
WATCH US FLY is an almost hour long sonic assault on your brain perfect for hallucinogens made with game boy, drum machine, a variety of petals, keyboards, 3 maybe 4 string acoustic played with a bow, megaphone, contact microphones, harmonica, train whistle, sampler, oscillators, drum sticks and other strange items.
you can buy the first hand made cd's for 5 bucks (or trade)... just e-mail me @ hunglikechrist@hotmail.com and we can work something out
we are working on building a myspace so you can listen for free and that should be up by the end of the week.
also MAGIC DRAGONS vol 2 is already in production under the title "see these teeth"