What is love? Baby don't hurt me!

Nov 14, 2009 16:05

Is that not a great song? Haha, so Jaime has been getting me back into 80's and 90's music. Our life is like a musical.

Well let's see here. CB's wedding is in exactly one week. I have everything but my pants ready to go. I am even wearing heels! Can you fucking believe it!? I cannot... I will be home for ten days. I have the feeling that I will be very very ready to come back up long before those ten days are up. Please note, I am very poor on this trip so I cant exactly go out much. But if you wanna hang out somewhere, lemme know :-)

For Xmas, I think I may only go down for the weekend. leave Wednesday and come back Sunday after fight practice, if there is one. BECAUSE Jaime, Mira and I are all coming down for Twelfth Night. So I dont want to spend a lot of money for xmas...

My computer desk keeps breaking. So far, it is being held together with duct tape, balsa wood, blue tape and gorrilla glue. SO! If anyone has a desk they can part with, let me know.

OH! And I am autocrating Woodland Romp 2010. Start spreading the word! Its gonna be a great event!
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