Till Kingdom Come Chapter 2 part 1

May 06, 2011 16:28

Everyone was mesmerized by her.
Her slim body swayed as she moved her hips, wisps of silk made to dance as she curved her body to the flute-player's music. Shells were woven into her long hair, and her lips sang out melodious words.
This was the market-square in the middle of the city Zendin. It was the day of the festival, and skilled crafters and performers of all sorts all displayed their talents.
This performance was by far one of the most mesmerizing, the broad stature of the flutist seemed to contrast ever so boldly against his delicate music.
Yet without contest, it was she captivated them all. The dancer.
Her costume was of flowing silk that seemed to go on for miles, yet the way she moved made them seem as if they were only as light as the clouds, the mists she made them seem to be. Almost like a butterfly confined to a tiny stage, she pranced and danced about, restless, beautiful --- frighteningly charming.
While her relaxed body moved about, the tensed audience watched in hushed excitement, all wondering....

"Who is she?"

Humans have always been vulnerable to beauty --- beauty enchants the foolish, and in this case, it has tricked their eyes to see what they wanted to see. Indeed, she was not a beautiful girl, but a beautiful boy.


So where did Taemin and Minho run to? The neighbouring countries.
For years and years they wandered like nomads in a desert, settling in one place and then another, hiding and disguising themselves.
This life of theirs, the constant changing of identities, of places to Taemin had grown almost to be like a game, instead of tiring him, it challenged him to learn multiple languages, to blend, in, to charm even to deceive.
For the young "prince", life as someone royal had long disappeared into the past, into another life.
He lived in another reality now.                          
Yet no matter how Taemin developed, one thing never changed --- Minho's constant influence.
The older somehow curbed Taemin, taught him to be honest through all his trickery, taught him to be kind, patient, and mindful of others. taught him to be stable through the course on an ever-changing life. 
But there was just one thing Minho hadn't bothered to teach the little one --- who he forgot, was no longer little.
Minho loved Taemin. Unconditionally and unwaveringly.


Their performance ended, and they bowed.
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