And this is when I'm lonely, on nights like these

Apr 09, 2011 00:49

 His fingers touched the webbed glass, ice like lace framing the window... cloudy mists forming where his fingertips touched.
And he traced a heart, a perfect heart, and he smiled.

Honestly, he looked angelic, white skin glowing against black tossled hair, perfectly shaped pink lips. He also looked tired, deep black circles smudging the skin beneath his eyes --- and even brown orbs looked weary, his eyelashes drooping, almost hoping, but the mischief, the dare, had long been drained out of them. 
He was tired. Tired of hoping, tired of waiting. Even tired of loving. Yes, he loved Minho. Loved him from the very start.
Taemin pressed his cheeks to the icy glass, almost enjoying the way the cold slowly froze his cheeks.

How he had fell for those somber smiles, those quiet laughs, and then it was his gentleness, his tender kisses. And yet, when those were all gone, he continued loving him, loved him despite the hurt, maybe even for the hurt? Oh, how he cried. Tears flowing till there was no more left. By then, the joy in the love had all gone, but Minho was still there, and Minho he still loved.

Yet now, Minho was gone, and yet... Minho he still loved.

Taemin continued looking out the window, wishing, desperately wishing --- but barely daring to hope, that Minho would come back to him.

He longed for a shooting star, to wish him back.
Because despite it all, he knew Minho loved him. It was just the fear. The fear that kept him back, Minho was... a giant far too gentle, far too afraid of love. Yet Taemin's courage had been enough for them both. Strong enough to keep both their hearts burning

Until that day.

Taemin stared into the night, his fingertips still on the window, yet now the tip of his finger drew a jagged line through the heart.
Each passing day, was a new hole, a new tear. Yet his heart could never be broken, could never be shattered into pieces.
Because he still hoped.
Because for him, he would still love.

He felt cold, his heart felt colder.
How he longed for warm arms once more, for laughs, for smiles --- no, just for a single glance.
Taemin backed away from the window, kneeling down besides the wall, wrapping his arms around himself.

A hot tear rolled down his frozen cheeks

And this is when I'm lonely, on nights like these.

fanfic, 2min

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