Twilight movie poster

Jan 13, 2008 21:31

My first attempt at a Twilight movie poster, which took the better part of the day. Originally, I did a poster with the vampires vs. the werewolves, but only after I'd completed it did I realize that that was more New Moon-centric than Twilight. In the end, I got rid of all the werewolves and put in the rest of the Cullens. I hope you all enjoy.


*Please note that any posters I make are for personal and offline use only. These pieces may not be used for creating other fanworks such as icons/headers/etc without my permission. Thank you.

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Also. Check out: twilightposters

*posters, book: twilight, actor: robert pattinson, actor: kristen stewart, actor: julie benz, actor: daniel cudmore, actor: charlie hunman, actor: jared padalecki, actor: emily de ravin, actor: rachel cook

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