I'm thinking that the Better Buffy Fic list is not the place for me to be. Because, you know what? I don't like 97% of the stuff recced. I don't think the stuff sucks, or anything...it's just not my cuppa. I'm a strange fic eater. I'm not all about the canon and shit. I'm all about the imagination and new looks at characters.
My goal for tonight is to finish the outline for Medlar and Sorb-Apple. I want to write more, but I refuse to do so until the outline is finished. And by outline, I mean a list of things that have to be demonstrated/happen and when. I don't actually know how to outline, and whenever I try to learn, my head just explodes. I also do them by hand because I actually like taking pen to paper. It's...soothing.
Of course, since our Buffy and Angel boxed sets are back home again, I'm all tempted to pop them in. I probably will. Either way, getting away from the computer is a very, very good idea. A nap sounds pretty appealing, too.
I gacked a writing meme from
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Waaay more. I backed my ass out of fandom a few years before, and didn't think I'd get back in again. Much less in Buffyverse, which I stayed out of for six and a half damned years before finally succumbing.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2003?
Gunn/Lindsey. Slash. But I made a challenge to myself and I'm glad I did.
What's your favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Elysium. Hands down. That bad boy surprised the hell out of me, especially considering that the initial plan was, "Yeah, um, Tara's going to need help with something...I don't know what, but something...and Spike is going to--help her! Yes!" Initially, I thought it would be about 60 pages. Um, yeah, that didn't happen.
Also gotta say that I dig
A Mirror and Some Smoke because I didn't cringe in horror after it was written, and there was a strong chance that might happen since it was my first slash story, and my first time writing both characters.
Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them?
Spike/Tara and Gunn/Lindsey. I learned, as a writer, that--yes, any two people can be put together. It's just a matter of catching them at the right time, and highlighting the personality traits that might bring them together. I knew that as a reader, but it's way different to actually examine the characters closely enough myself to see where they might click. Was much fun, I have to say.
I also learned that the contrary bitch in me now wants to write more slash so as to garner more dipshit responses from readers. Heh.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Fanfic goal: write the Sex. Profic goal: put forth as much effort on it as I do on fanfic, and maybe be a little productive.