Mar 30, 2005 20:12
I would like to read more RPS. Unfortunately, everything is spread out and broken up between groups/pairings/fandoms/etc. I can't just troll through a community and be all, "OMG, want to read this group/fandom/pairing/etc!"
So tell me. What RPS, besides Jossverse and LOTRIPS, do you guys read? Tell me! Share some links! Let me imbibe the RPS. Extra bonus points for directing me to Jared Leto or Joaquin Phoenix RPS. kthxbye.
...there needs to be a catch-all RPS community where any and all RPS can be posted to, no matter the "fandom". Because I can't find anything to fucking read and it is, as we all know, all about ME!!! I'm just sayin'.