Feb 22, 2011 21:24
'cause I'm so bored right now :P
1. I'm very irritable about the silliest things. Remember when I was locked outside in the snow? That barely phased me. But if I'm eating pancakes or something, and get a tiny bit of syrup on my hand, oh my goodness do I get angry.
2. I slam doors. Car doors, room doors, cabinet doors, the fridge, the microwave... Anything slam-able. I just want to make sure it's really closed.
3. I feel really bad about killing bugs. No matter how creepy or dangerous, I'll always try to catch it and move it outside before doing anything else.
4. I'm terrible at finishing games, books, TV shows, fic, etc. I'm 100+ hours into FFXII, but I haven't played it in about two years, probably more. I'll get to point where I'm just all "ugh" and stop reading/watching/playing, and I'll start something else. But I'm bad about starting things, too. I'll get a movie I've wanted to see, but then I never get around to watching it. *glances at Sherlock Holmes*
5. Not really about me per se, but I just noticed today that my cats' initials are LGB.
6. I used to be the biggest prude about so many things (I heard my cousin say "bastards" when I was 12, and I was mortified). Fandom cured me of that, though ^.^
Got any of your own odd little tidbits?
Peace, y'all!