Title:Unnoticed Trial.
Disclaimer:I never own them....
Summary:How long did Kame and Koki hide their secret relationship to Junno.
Warning:Girl Junnno,Guy Kame,Gay Koki
A/N:My first ever Fanfic to post.
Part 1-->Who Stepped on my Hankie‼
"krrrngg.....alarm clock"
hoooo...this is my day,the day that i waited for...
Kamenashi Kazuya was working on Johnny's Company.
He is a Manager on advertising group for almost 3 years.
After a long time working on johnny's Company the big break come.
He promoted as the new Vice President of Johnny's Company..
"hmmmmm"take a deep breath...hhhhmmm..
Monday morning is the first big day for kame he's going to enter Johnny's Company
as Vise President...
Good morning sir...greet by the guard's
kame"ohh!good morning ...
While walking kame didn't noticed that he stepped on koki's hankie lying on the floor.
when koki saw his hankie on the floor he started to shoot..."errrr"who stepped on my hankie.
when he turn his head he saw kame making way to the elevator...
koki run and top the neck of kame..
Hey"!you..?!you stepped on my hankie
kame,huh!me,no no no no,what are you saying huh...??
i saw my hankie lying on the floor and your the only person who passed on that way..
ohh!!uhm sorry that's your hankie ....?
i thought it's a rug ..?kame said curiously..
ahhah!so you are???koki asked with a high voice.
ye.....ye...yeessss!!kame's unsure answer.
Sorrryy..sorryyy..kame said..
Koki look at the name plate of kame..
"Kamenashi Kazuya Vice President"
"Haaaaa Vice president"kame thought.
sir,sorry sorry you're the new Vice President..?Right?koki asked with teary eyes.
Yes.why..?kame answered.
ohh!sorry sir i'm Tannaka Koki your assistant..
WHAT!!kame said..
you're my assistant ???huh??
koki,yes sir i'am
ohhh!!kame thought
koki's waiting for kame's word.
yes sir..
Good morning kame said..
Good morning too sir koki replied
koki(i thought his angry...)
KOKI??kame called
why?koki replied
kame,why are you stair at me like that.
coz you're hot...
ohh!!!nothing sir nothing..
ok i have to go see you on the office..!
OMG!!!!!!i can't imagine that kame is the new Vice President...
Krrinnnggg...Junno's calling...
hey honey how's your first day.junno asked
well it's good i'm fine and kinda ashame..but it's ok that's life ehh!
Junno,well yah that's ok don't worry hon i'm always here for you!!
yah i know you're always here for me..kame said
by the way i meet my assistant in a cool way..
i meet him because of a hankie..
What hankie..?junno asked
kame.yes kankie
i was walking alone without knowing that there is a hankie lying on the floor.
and a guy called..and top my head he said you/?you steed on my hankie
you know hon he was so angry with me..just only because of a hankie..
and after knowing that i'm the new president he apologist to me..
ohh!by the way i have to go..kame said
i have an appointment to make...
i need to discuss the new policy of this company..
junno.i understand ohh!before i forgot you need to be here at 8 pm..
and i want to meet that guy koki...
Kinda ashame..
do you guys think that i need to continue writing the next chapter..
This is my first time to write a story about my idol so i need you word's
to know thankies///! .....