long time!

Jan 11, 2010 10:20

Hey, yeesh, long time no writing!
Life has been busy!

some little updates until I have time to write:
* chris and I married november 13, 2009
* am 17 weeks pregnant with our baby!
* finishing last year of undergrad in psychology
* i miss beer :(

sorry and i'll try to update this more often!
Here are some things I'm learning and working on in my life. I'm very excited about them so bear with me, please!

*Life is not that serious. be able to laugh at yourself, don't put up a front of perfection. If you fall down, have a laugh about it.

*Life is pain. Everyone's been thru shit. Take care of yourself now. Focusing on pain from your past or fear of your future is a worthless, self-destructive process. Honor the past by seeing it as a lesson.

*Don't fear 'possible' pain. Be strong in today and even if something is shattered you will have strength to move on into the new 'today.' This is heroism.

*Being insecure won't make your life good or make people love you. it will only throw you into paranoia and will make people you love turn away from you.

*Don't let your past or other people provide you with excuses to be insecure.

*Guilt and anxiety only make us feel bad about ourselves. they paralyze our actions and sense of judgement.

*People are inherently good, not evil. One school of thought says that all people are evil in their core. From this philosophy evolved the need for power and control, for institutions such and church and state, to control the masses. But didn't God create us and say "it is good?" and if we are now bad to our core, why would a god allow us to continue, much less provide us with salvation?

*Personal power is shown by choosing healthy relationships and wise role models.

*A real friend will encourage you to assert yourself, claim personal power, take risks and make mistakes and to know that you are always esteemed and accepted.

*There are only two things that are within your control:
1. the way you choose to feel about yourself
2. your behaviors, which are based on your own feelings.
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