Aug 15, 2004 02:19
its been a while since i have written in here. not like anyone reads this shit. except nikki. hi nikki. miss you here. hope the hurricane hasn't blown you too far away. so i guess just to start with the latest and work my way back. i just got done cleaning my new piercing. i've cleaned it three times since i got it. which was about 26hrs ago. chlo called me obsessive. i have to clean it enough not to get it infected and i have to not clean it too many times or it will get infected. ahhhhh. we went to deep ellum last night and the intentions were to get the $13 tats. but instead i got a lip piercing. i showed my mom this morning and she looked got upset and walked away. i think she went and called my dad. apparently when she walked away she started crying. i didnt know. my sister cecilia told me when i saw her at church. cecilia also said that my sister lisa said i said whatever to my mom when she started crying. i dont use the word whatever. whatever. i never said that. so when my dad came home he told me he was pissed at me and i can't use my car. well guess what. i dont have my license anyways. my sister told me in an email that i am the only person holding myself back. ok. i am holding myself back. i usually think of others first. when it was around the time to be sending in apps for college. i knew my sisters wedding would be around that time. so i decided to stay bc i knew it would be easier to miss days and go with my parents than if i was at a major university. actually for once i only thought of myself when i got this piercing. don't try and play a parents to me now. my sister also asked what i want from my parents. cause i told her they provide superficially. and thats fine with me. just dont be concerned now. they only say something cause its visible. but where were they when i was taking a pregnancy test in the bath room a qt? or when i would cry myself to sleep? fuck fuck i hate it here. how do people manage to move away and start a whole new life? i want to do that. i have a dr's appt on monday. its a well woman exam. fun. i have to get nekkid while my dr plays with my cooch . i think i will also get my mri results. i hope i dont have a tumor and if i do i hope its small and can be fixed with meds. i went to church today. i've been wanting to go as of late. i finally made it. i might try and go to bible study one of these days. i am going to take a bible class this semester. i think i have written enough for you nikki. lol.