my stomach kinda hurts right now....

Jul 08, 2004 15:23

okay so yesterday i drove myself to work. no, i dont have a licence yet, but no one else was home so i drove myself. i made it okay. but then i had to drive to tina to go pick up some stuff. to get to tina's i have to go thru this thing where there is gaurdrails on both sides. i made it. i got this power point thing from her. one of her co-workers i guess has a class, so she is paying me mula to do her homework. we went and visited teej on tuesday night. he leaves for the army sometime today in san antonio. so we went to eat at chilis. this guy was there and he looked like he came of the 80s, so everytime he walked passed us i sang 80s songs. 'its the eye of the tiger...' so after we dropped tom off we went driving around dallas and i had to pee(of course) so went to the 7-11 in deep ellum. this homeless guy asked me for 20 cents as soon as i got out of the car. i found a quarter and gave it to him. when we went inside he was buying a super big gulp. chlo nudge me and i saw so then i bought him a bag of chips and a taquito and his drink. i went pee and came out. homeless guy #2 was like 'so you bought him gonna buy me food?' so i went back inside and bought him a hot dog. homeless guy # 3 just asked for 50 cents and i gave him a dollar. and then we went home. tom just called he is at the airport. he said he is gonna write and call. i got to talk to nathan last night and this morning. i hadn't talk to him in a couple days and i didn't realize how much i missed his voice. i should go work on this homework thats not mine. always, mary jane
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