Spring has sprung!

Mar 18, 2009 12:27

Today is a simply beautiful day.

We've had several days of gray cloudiness, followed by several days of rain, so the sun seems especially bright today. The much-needed rain has perked up the grayish grass into a beautiful bright spring green. Our dogwoods are started to bud out and bloom and slews of wildflowers have sprung up all over the yard. It looks like Spring is definitely here!

I had a doctor's appointment this morning at 9, so I let Wesley go with me. He was super excited about hearing the baby's heartbeat. We left early and had breakfast at McDonald's (his choice, lol) and went on the doctor. I had the first appointment of the day, but we were still there for an hour. Ugh. I guess the old saying is true: The worst part of being a patient, is dealing with all the patience.

But, Wesley did get to hear the baby's heartbeat. (And, me, too, actually. Last appointment, I only saw it on the ultrasound.) He was thrilled!! Once Dr. L-W found the heartbeat and that galloping sound filled the air, Wesley grinned from ear to ear. It was such a wonderful moment. :O) I can't wait for the visit after next when I can take Hanna to hear it also. My next appointment is on April 1 (April Fool's Day, anyone? *lol*) for the anatomy ultrasound, when we'll hopefully find out the sex! Just two weeks and we should know whether "Baby Herschel" is actually Caleb Henry or Gracie Helen. I can't wait!!! (Then the shopping can begin in earnest.) ;-)

Oh, and I haven't gained one single pound since last time. Which shocks the heck out of me because I've been eating like a cow! The doctor says that I must be eating really healthy stuff and doing the right amount of exercise. So, yay! for that. :O)

But then, as I'd figured, Wesley cried about not wanting to go back to school. I made sure (or thought I did) that he understood that he'd go in after the appointment. He is such a routine-oriented little guy. Being late just through him off kilter. The entire time we were waiting for the doctor, he worried his little self to death about being so late for school. :-( Bless his heart.

Then, I come home to find my insurance card in the mail--finally! Only it has the wrong doctor listed as my PCP. I went online to change it, but the website is acting funky. I can find my doctor in the list of covered practitioners, but not in the list where I'm able to change it. I can send in the request via snail mail, but I've already done that when I first chose my PCP, and apparently they didn't get it. So, now, I guess I get to call them and stay on hold for 43729 hours.

Then, I had to escalate an eBay dispute into a Paypal claim over a $6 baby outfit that I've never received. It's been over a month since I paid and the seller just refuses to accept that it's probably lost in the mail. :-( She keeps dragging things out, searching for receipts that she can never find. I honestly don't know if she's really trying to do the right thing, or just stringing me along. I hate not giving people the benefit of the doubt. :-( Maybe she can't refund the $6 right now because she doesn't have it? But, I shouldn't be out my money and the outfit. *sigh* I hate disputes.

But, today is still a simply beautiful day. I'm going to ignore all the negative things and only concentrate on the positives. :O)

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it Psalm 118:24

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
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