This is My Brain on Baby...

Mar 05, 2009 04:51

...otherwise known as "The Last Two Weeks of An Absentminded Pregnant Woman".


(and in list form because I'm nerdy like that)

1. My children are currently outside playing wearing only the following garments: silky satin-ish short robes flapping in the wind as they run, and shower caps. Yes, I did do laundry. Just not much of it.

2. I have a complete love/hate relationship with food right now. I'm hungry 99.9% of the time, but there's nothing that I want to eat. Foods I once loved now make me want to hurl. Right now I have chicken BBQ'ing on the grill, but the words "Taco Bell" keep resonating through my head. I'll buy stuff in the grocery store with every intention of eating it, but it somehow manages to lose it's appeal somewhere between the checkout lane and the pantry. This baby will love Gala apples and organic Greek yogurt when it grows up.

3. I'm a total slacker. Much more so that I was pre-pregnancy. It's taken me almost an entire week to even write out this post; it's been swirling in my head during the most inoppurtune times. My laundry has piled up to insurmountable levels. Ditto with dishes. I bought a grill, so John could cook and I wouldn't have to clean the kitchen.

4. Wesley had to take what was possibly the world's most un-nutritious lunch box meal today. I totally ran out of his usual fare: organic berry lemonade, organic chicken strips, assorted organic fruits and veggies (he loves cucumbers and Gala apples), and a snack bag of totally non-organic, not entirely healthy potato chips. Today, however, he was reduced to what we could grab at the convenient store on the way to school. He had a V8 Splash, Funyons, Oreos and string cheese and cucumbers I did manage to have at home. *cringe* And yet, I'm sure that that crappy lunch was immeasurably more healthy and more tasty than the "lunch" they slop on the plates at his school.

5. Last week, I turned in the registration papers for Hanna to attend Pre-K in the fall. *sob* My baby is going to school. She's talking of the Brats lunchbox she'll have and the Brats bookbag she wants (that we'll hopefully be able to gently prod her away from in favor of something a little less hooker-ish). She's extremely excited and I'm beyond excited for her. But, she's my little girl. My little girl who suddenly seems so tall and so smart and wearing clothes in size 5 when it seems like she should still be that chubby little baby.

6. I cleaned out my closet of all the clothes I can't wear anymore. At 16 weeks, I'm not able to button my jeans and my size medium tees are a little too snug and sausage-y feeling. Fortunately, eBay has a veritable wealth of maternity clothes and, in the spirit of being thrifty and wisely economical, I've found super deals on used and new stuff. Which is great, because if I had to clothe my ever-growing belly with the selections from Walmart, I'd be going around naked.

7. The baby is currently 16 weeks along and the most fascinating thing about this week's development is that he or she is finally able to hear things outside of the womb. Wesley is enjoying reading to my belly every night and Hanna has made sure that appropriate doses of iCarly and Spectacular! have been provided. And we're making sure we expose the baby to the best of our musical collection: my compilation of 80s hits, every song the Beatles and/or Paul McCartney ever sang and AC/DC.

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