Aug 18, 2008 19:17
Tomorrow would have been the day we got to see Radiohead. Shux. Oh well. I can't even imagine enduring the long car trip to Vancouver and back, as well as sit/standing through the whole concert. It wasn't meant to be :p
Baby is less than a week away and now I'm starting to get antsy. Been feeling pretty emotional lately too. Tiny things just seem to overwhelm me.
Violet has the hiccups. I'm going to miss that feeling, but at least Ill have the joy of being able to see her in person when she gets them :p
I think Ive reached my full capacity now. Even my maternity clothes are feeling too small! An to be honest my confidence hasn't been all that shiny either. Mind you I think that's pretty normal when you're at this stage. I feel like a manatee.
See, there's another good reason we sold our Radiohead tickets. I'm pretty sure they don't let manatee's in Thunderbird stadium.
I'm going to go and eat some cereal. xox