Jan 15, 2006 14:41
Just an update, since I haven't posted in a couple months. It's the usual thing, my life goes on and my time for screwing with LiveJournal is minimal. I survived the holidays, survived our company's transition to new business software, a new location, and the busiest time of year. Now I'm just wanting a lot of Me Time. Took a couple of days off to go to MacWorld Expo. It was the smallest I've ever seen, which is sad. But still had a good time, and met yet another famous person. It seems like I always bump into famous people there. This time it was one of the guys from The Greatful Dead. I got his autograph, which I plan to give to my girlfriend's father who is a deadhead from the old days. She was too chicken to ask him for his autograph, and ran off to hide. He was really cool about it and didn't seem to mind at all. I was prepared to let him be if he objected.
Past celebs have included Douglas Adams (my favorite author!), jazz musician Herbie Hancock, the Spin Doctors, Mac book author Robin Williams (not the comedian), and an apple ][ columnist I remembered from back in the day.
On an obscure note, patchouli oil is the smell that I've always loved that madonna put on her CD. I need to remember to get some of that.