No Shit! There I was. Sitting in traffic on Stanley Blvd in Livermore. And what is right in front of me? It's my old car that I sold to Altaira!
I was pleased to see that it is still on the road. I thought it had been junked when Altaira had a major problem. I shouted to the guy driving it, who told me she gave it to him. He seemed content to keep it on the road. So it's nice to know that all my efforts to keep that car going over the years aren't wasted yet.
And it's really funny to me to see the old sticker still on the rear, and as proper as ever. Note that when I sold the car, it had been polished and spit shined so you could see your reflection on every surface. I imagine it made it to a few faires (I know I spotted it at Northern last year).
I trust my friends who knew that car will be similarly amused.