Aug 10, 2005 22:56
Fuck yeah Mr. Laster put me in ecology in a snap. I walked into school this morning and a huge line was in front of the counselor's office but i signed onto Laster's clipboard and I only waited about 10 minutes just talking to Lloyd before i completely hopped the line and he printed out a new schedule for me. All the same classes, in all the same hours. I love you, mr. Laster. Not literally but...yes. Moving on, i also got lockers next to Hancock, Alex Fuchs, and mr. rick petty in the junior hall, and not the fuckin reject hallway, such was last year.
And come to think of it, work rocks my argyle knee socks. The people there dont take the "Nth degree" [now THAT'S hospitality!] rule seriously at all. They're all really nice about it being my first week, and all I have to worry about is memorizing the table order and numbers. Jessica is an S.A there so we talk alot. And im really not intimadated by the fact that I might be working some same shifts as Bryant. I guess i might be a little embarassed, but, I guess just focus on the customers. it'll be great. This year is really lookin up for me.