Nov 22, 2005 13:30
pretty much everything sucks rite now b/c everyone is pissed at everyone and it NEEDS TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sick and tired of people who all they have to say is somthing negative if you don't have anything positive to say FUCK OFF! if you have a problem with how i do things in my life FUCK OFF, if you don't like the way that i handle myself FUCK OFF! i am trynig to get well and over my sickness and all that people have to say are negative things! well all you bitches out there who have nothing nice to say..........F-U-C-K O-F-F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't want to deal with your negative bullshit any more. i understand that i don't like doing things YOUR way but you kno what, I DON'T CARE!!!!!
for those of you playing the home game.....this is to everyone who has fucked me over in the past and present and i do believe that one of the people that i am directing this to HAS LJ and he updates often and he has totally and completley turned into the person that i don't love and care about any more if he wants to judge me the way that he does. why is it when a guy goes out and does stuff with like 20 girls hes a pimp but if a girl does stuff with 4 people shes a slut?! huh that is totally and completley sexist and im sick and tired of it!