May 19, 2005 14:52
yes about how i am officially an outcast. i get back to school from being sick for 12 days and all of a sudden i am shunned like i have fucking lepracy! aparenty all of this shit started when everyone thought/still thinks that i slept with zack when kristin and him were going out! what the fuck??! i wouldn't fuck his tiny dick with kristin's pussy. and James has been sending me text messages that say shit like..."Fuck you stay the fuck out of my business and away from my friends"..."Yeah u can fuck off u fat ass nigger hand oug with whoever they just won't hang out wiht u u fucking nigger loving skank" which that one doesn't make any sense because IM FUCKING WHITE! and " yea redneck and proud of it u fucking slut"...AND " U kno what hou bout u fuck off i don't want to hear from ur fat slutty ass any more"
well if thats what they were talking about me "talking to much" then they can blow it out of their stupid, fat, trailer trash, asses because I DIDN'T DO A GOD DAMN THING TO THEM!
yes so this is the stupid and pointless drama of highschool, i think that i am going to go to ICC next year and say fuck WCHS! because i don't deserve to be treated like some fucking piece of meat that they can torment and laugh at and make fun of whenever they please.\
yeah im not going to do a quote 2nite b/c IM NOT IN THE MOOD