
Sep 13, 2005 12:42

So we just got a new student..

Shes from New Orleans..(hurricane victim)

Could you imagine how scary that would be to come to a totally new state, new school with nothing to have left with?!

She has to start completly over!! When she came in I almost got teary eyed, cuz just from watching that stuff on the news..and then to like meet someone who was actually through it is CRAZZY! Everyone is being really nice to her, which is good and no one has like asked her anything abou the hurricane, which is good cuz it must be soo hard to talk about somehting like that.. But i'm kinda curious if she evacuated or she had to stay in like the super dome. I couldnt liek dare ask that though.

Who Knows.

fuck-a-damn benchmark. Now our like whole day is sooo confusing!

Amy and I worked our asses off last night working out!lol

Gym again today after school.

Gotta go see my grandpa in the hostpital first though..He had a mild-stroke. My f-en Uncle is in 2 rooms down the hall from him too!! My uncle is a serious alcoholic and now his liver is f-ed the fuck up! Its sooo frusterating!! My grandma is like flipping out..She has to go see her high school sweetheart husband laying there practically dieing..and then walk a few doors down to see her alcoholic son who blames the whole fmaily for his problems? ugh. w/e

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