Got We Love Katamari in the mail today, as predicted. Much fun, but much frustrating, at times. We are greatly amused. I never thought that I’d bother playing with any of the Cousins, since the Prince is so cool, but I think Dipp is more fun because he sparkles (And he looks better in the rainbow headset and glasses xD).
I have a picture I need to finish for someone on Gaia but I really don’t feel like it right now. I also have homework to do, but I’d rather finish the Gaia picture than do that. :P
I actually had an interesting dream last night, interesting in the fact that my subconscious let me do something that is usually goes interrupted in other dreams I have.
Last night I found the myspace of some one I knew 5 years ago and have held quite fondly (and quite secretly) in my heart. He’s 5 years older than me, and when we met I was 14, so, although I liked him, I was A. Too shy B. Too dependant on my parents and C. Too young to do anything about my feelings. So I crushed, and am still crushing. Anyway, on with the dream….
I can’t really remember the beginning, but as close to the beginning I remember is that I was on a school bus, sitting at the very back. The person who I mentioned above (Hereout known as X) was sitting in the seat next to mine and we were talking about Final Fantasy. My mom was a few seats in front of us, my brother in front of her, and my dad was driving. It was dark outside, but it looked like we were driving through a swamp.
After a while of staring out the window I found that I was now in a van of sorts, still in the back, but X was driving, my dad was in the seat next to him and my mom and brother were in front of me. I we all were talking together about something, and every time X would say something, he’d turn all the way around and look at me like I remember him doing the last time I saw him. ^^;
I don’t remember if we got out of the van or it transformed again, but we were all in a gondola. It was only wide enough for everyone to sit facing forward, one behind the other. I was in the front sitting with my legs over the side to make more room. I don’ know the order of who was behind me since I was kind of scarred.
We traveled a ways, across a valley full of trees, around the side of a mountain, until we came to a cave and went into it. The wire the gondola was hanging on also had lanterns hanging off of it, that sparked when we went by Everyone was a bit confused as to why it hadn’t stopped until we went past these yellow formations. I can’t remember what my mom called them (started with a C….) but they were rare, apparently, so we all oohed and ahead over them as we passed. Soon the gondola got so low to the ground that my feet could touch the yellow sand that was on the floor and soon the gondola dug into the sand and we all got out.
In front of us was a hotel of sorts (The check in desk was a hole in the rock with a lady behind it and there was a door that would teleport you to your room.). My mom whispered something to me and went into the door. I think she might have just been pretending to whisper to me.
X and I went into the door together. There was a futuristic looking panel of sorts that lit up when we stood on it. As we were teleporting he kissed me (Which I wouldn’t think would be too safe but, whatever. xD). Then we were in our room, which was quite humble-looking (Just one small bed and a dresser. There was a window that over looked the valley). X stood by the dresser talking about something (I’ve been ignoring people all though this dream!) when I went over and kissed him. I made him hit his head on the wall, oops. Then we fell on the bed and well…. yeah. It wasn’t very detailed in m dream, either. Kind of disappointing. But, it is a breakthrough, as, if this were any other dream, my mom would have walked in, or a meteorite would have crashed into the planet or the other person would have caught on fire.
After that nothing important happened. I remember looking at a pamphlet I found in the room about STDs and threw it at X.
My mom knocked on the door trying to wake me up to use the computer so I lost the dream from there. :P
And if that wasn’t interesting, look! My brother and I went to the moon the other day:
I don’t recommend it, too dry. :P