Note to self: Don’t register for Saturday classes ever again!
This semester I’m only taking two classes, English Comp. online and Design on Saturdays for a million hours (Or so it seems. it's 9am to 3pm). I thought it would be fine to devote one day to class since it means less time driving back and forth from Jacksonville... And I never do anything on Saturdays! I’m one of those losers who just stays home all day!
Well until now, anyway! x__x Nothing is working out...
Since the class is only one day a week, missing one class is like missing two, and he only allows 1 excused absence, and 3 all together before one fails the class. I figured Megacon would be my one absence and I’d make it to class the rest of the days and makeup whatever I missed that Saturday. But it turns out next-next Saturday, I have to take a test for my online class the exact same time my Design class starts! So... I’m going to miss most of the class.. o___o That’s fine, I supposed, I’d tell the professor I have to take a test and I’ll be a little late. He’ll understand...
But, now that I kind of almost have a job (Wow, yeah, me... a job. I can’t believe it. ::curls up in a fetal position:: ) my manager wants me to go to a training thing.... On Saturday. (Naturally, of course, the least convenient day of all!)
I just hope it’s not the same day that I have the test, since that can’t be made up! T____T Not that I know of, anyway. :/
So... I’m actually considering just withdrawing from the class, as much as I’d hate to.. -_-
Weighing the options, having a job right now is more important than having fun in a Design class... and completing English is more important than completing Design. T_T
About the job, though, ( Winn-dixie….) I’m so nervous... I have a feeling of constant anxiety... I have to meet the manager there tomorrow morning to fill out paperwork and the deed is done. I think he felt sorry for me, which is okay. I’ll have your pity! Plus I’ll be working from 10 pm to 6 am, which are my favorite hours! I’ll get to sleep during the day, which is perfect since I have trouble sleeping at night, but fall asleep during the day with ease.
So nervous.....
Also, my cosplay for Megacon is ¼ done. It’s looking good, I’ll have to camwhore it later. ^^
And.. uh.. what else? Hmm.. nothing really. I don’t expect anyone to have read this far, so I guess some sort of sentimental ending to this entry is pointless. Parmesan Goldfish are the best <3