
Nov 21, 2010 14:40

Really cool interview - CKR has gotten better at these, though still twitchy as hell. The cameraperson must hate him ;)
And still chewing that gum, heeee.

He was all smily in this, wasn't he?

"bugaboo" heee

The Ashby stuff - LOL and owie at the same time. Same for driving a van with pot in its tires. "Is this good for television?", heeee. Though he seemed to try and make light of a lot of stuff at the same time.

Loved what he said about Shattered and how we all diassociate to a certain degree/are fractured and how he used that. Reminded me of Ben's line "We're all different to different people. And I'm fine with that." Truth.

Strombo seems cool, kinda punky. None of the rehearsed "look how cool I am" stuff á la Leno or Letterman.

But WHY didn't they do stuff like this BEFORE Shattered aired?

Oh ya.


interview, ckr

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