Are they F***ING Serious?!?!?!?!

Sep 08, 2009 11:17

 Gizmodo posted about a new doll that has just hit the shelves.  
If it weren't so disgusting and horrifying, I might actually find this funny.

This goes against all morals - anyone who thinks this is even tolerable, is way off in every aspect of their existance.  I'm just shocked - I mean there are horrible, awful toys, television shows, commercials, advertisements that exist and are shown to children at much too young of an age.  There are clothes that are too tight, too short, and that have over-sexualized messages written on them that are sold at children's stores every day.  But this... Pole dancing Doll???  I just can't comprehend how an idea like this one came into somebody's head, who then  thought it was a good idea, and then told it to multiple people at a toy company, who thought it was a good idea and actually went through with processing it and creating this disgusting example of children's toys.

Is this the line where people had to cross in order to protest these ideas and actually making a difference in the oversexualized messages we're sending to our kids???

oversexualization, kids, toys

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