Shaggy Dog!

Oct 17, 2005 10:31

so there's this guy driving down the street one day and he sees a shaggy dog on the side of the road..he takes it in,

feeds it shaggy dog food and all is well. One day he sees that a bar is having a shaggy dog they go and when

he walks the shaggy dog up to the judges the first judge says "wow thats a shaggy dog" 2nd judge "that is a REALLY shaggy

dog 3rd judge "that is the shaggiest dog i've ever seen! you're going to the nationals!" So they get to the nationals and

by now the dog is so freakin shaggy that it's tripping over it's own fur. Once again facing the judges the 1st says "wow

thats a shaggy dog!" 2nd "that is a REALLY shaggy dog" 3rd judge "that is the shaggiest dog that I have ever seen! you're

going to the world's shaggiest dog competition!" The guy knows if he keeps feeding the shaggy dog, shaggy dog food that

they will surely win. The big day arrives...the guy is so nervous as they approach the judges..the first one says "holy

shit that's a shaggy dog!" the 2nd agrees "that's the shaggiest dog i've ever seen!" and the 3rd judge says "eh, i've seen

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