(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 17:04

Good week/weekend so far. After the stresses of last week (new roomate, Helga getting ready to shed, money shortages etc) bowling and a bar visit in Ann Arbor really hit the spot. With that in mind, thanks are needed and are as follows:

in no particular order

Brandon - happy birthday man, although you'll never read this!
Helga Fatbottom - FINALLY shakin' that ass
Andy - don't know what to say... thanks, man
Anna - funding the festivities for all involved, much appreciated amigo
Me - i like to be thanked.
Pantsfish - take that, Gary Busey!

To all others involved it was cool to see you, as always. Oh, and props to Brian for new leather covered buttholders! (re: couches) and Kali for inadvertantly explaining something technological.
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