much madness is divinest sense. -emily dickinson ive been in touch and out of touch. out of the house and in my head.
sometimes things move so fast, yet i cant help but wonder why it seems so amazingly slow.
i want it now, but im willing to wait.
i want to know, but ill have to remain ignorant.
for now.
i could say "time is on my side", but living in this world, time is never really on my side. the best i can hope for is the true path to coincide with my desires. for fate to favor me, for God's ends to match my means. amen.
herbert was right, you know. seeing the future is a dangerous thing. glimpses of what may be are never good for morale if they are accompanied by deep thought. after all, a glimpse is just a glimpse. a smile just a smile. or is it?
at work, gotta work. done for now.