i havent had much to say lately. i think its because all of the interesting things have been passing thoughts and ive not writen any of them down or anyhow memorized them for the time necessary to get them in here. not just that i suppose but the events of the every day life are finding me as mundane. perhaps not particularly in a bad way, but in such a way that i dont find writing about them necessarily appealing.
i miss the fascination i had when i was happy. happy? actually, when i think about it, there was one such time. there was a time when all things were right even when they were easily uncomfortable. i miss those times. perhaps that time. thats not to say that things are so wrong now. theyre just not right. the unhappy medium. i think i wrote about this before.
today is
advocatus's birthday. hes not online nor did he invite me to anything he planned. i may end upgoing to eat okonomiyaki later tonight. i will probably call him and jokingly tell him that hes so mean because he pretends to like us by showing up for an hour or two to make fun of us once every other week. and he will feel slightly, perhaps jokingly, defensive and give some excuse.
ok im awake but im still kinda asleep in my head. i think im going to stop writing right now and do something less productive? (productive? hm.) three day weekends are nice. four? today i am "sick". yay.