Jul 20, 2010 23:09
went to the OC fair last week. deep fried *everything*. still recovering. allergies seeming to start early (or maybe im weak due to all the oil from friday). slowly my strength is returning. taekwondo practice/exercise/training helped a lot. yay for exercise.
did something today that ive never done before. not everyday do i do that. i feel accomplished :) it was a fun thing too. i think the best part was that the receiving end was quite receptive, indeed.
my dog smelled my girlfriend on me today and looked at me quizzically, licked me, then continued to play around. i think she likes my girlfriend :)
life is going pretty well. taekwondo practice is kinda fun, but it feels weird to be the class leader. i was always the one behind everybody else, but now if i push myself theyre dying.... SO WEIRD!! where the heck are the master people who can make me feel like a slow klutz?
7.5min mile with no ill side effects beyond a little windedness. the trick now is to do 2 of those... gotta keep working... gogo!
talked about marriage and babies today. it was an interesting talk, because i hadnt really planned for either beyond knowing it would be nice to have a family some day (some far-off, maybe-never day it was in my mind). ahhh... all things will come in time.
the great summer electronics upgrade is almost over. i have 2 24"monitors (one with a cooler color palette?), a ps3 that i cant yet use, a new ps3 downstairs for my parents bluray/dvd use, and a new cable modem and router came in the mail today. ill be configuring them a bit in the next week or two so i can update my cable modem to a DOCSIS 3.0 high speed modem and my router to have 802.11n capability. the one sad thing is still only 4 downlink ports, so i may have to switch out my ps3 or xbox if i have any visitors who want a lan cable connection (rare, but happens occasionally).
im pretty energized right now from doing some pet training and playing with my pet, so i guess its time to be awake for a while longer. maybe laundry and video games and watching some old recorded tv from mom :)
happy doesnt even begin to describe this moment.... nope, definitely not.