I've been here too long and i've spent too much time

Dec 05, 2004 21:06

So this weekend?  Hasn't been the best, thats for sure.  Friday was fun i guess.  I didn't have to go to school cause we went on a fieldtrip for dance to Grossmont College.  It was very interesting.  I especially enjoyed learning the jazz piece, the teacher was way weird though.  He was this homeless looking guy with a beer belly and high waters.  He seemed gay, but Mrs. Trim told us he was married.  But he was one of those gay-ish guys who still stares at gurls asses and he came off as pedifile-ish.  Enough about that weirdo.  I really don't like modern dance, but Jess is too kute with her modern lingo.  Ummm we had to go to a history class too. and uhhh thats all i feel like saying about that.

Later that night, after work, Katie, Jess, and I went to Grossmont and Jess and i pigged out. yummmmm panda and Jamba!  My jamba was soooo nasty though.  They forgot the sugar in it 2 TIMES.  I think the gurl hated me. ughh.  I wanted to do some Christmas shopping, but its kinda hard when the 2 people you really need to shop for are there with you.  After G-mont we ended up where we always end up: Starbucks.  Half the school was there and it was really fun.  We got news that MV lost the game!  I seriously wanted to cry, but this crack head walked in and proceeded to lick the air which kinda cheered me up (am i evil or what?) muahahha.  I felt so punchy that night.....i think someone slipped something in my drink.

Saturday i had SAT 2's which put me in a horrible mood.  I hate those fuckas!  If they would frikin make them for later in the day we would get better scores! ughh. Sat afternoon/night i was a bit sad for unexplainable reasons and I mostly just moped around and did nothing of importance tell my mom and i went to get our Christmas tree.  Holy crap.  Never again.  We are too weak for that crap!  And there were only female workers there, and we all know how females are.

Today has been a big blahhhhhhhhhh.  I wont even say anything more.  I dont want to kill you or anything.

1 more week for me and then Hawaii!  I'm really sexcited!

I'm gonna have so much crap to make up, but I really dont give a fuck.  Am i really gonna look back on my life thinking about that?  Or about how much fun i had? Exactly.

my loverly mamma.  The one person who's ALWAYS been there

my habeeb.  <3333 this gurl

my SEX.  Always there with a shoulder to cry on.

Friends since 5th grade.  It's always been me and you--i hart for life!

us as yougins!

(part of) The Daniels family.  Always got my back yo.

omG  i love these people more than life itself!

my bopa-- the greatest man ive ever known. thank God for him or I'd be a lesbian man hater.

Jamal, you have a heart of gold and can make me pee my pants with your comic abilitys!

Every summer brings new fun

My lisissy!  Makes me oh so happy

who else could you go to a canyon with and have more fun

and laugh so hard?

My number one hunk

these are the people i love who make me smile and help me forget it's not summer. dont you dig my corn rows?

Boys come and go.  Your gonna love and your gonna get your heart broken, make sure you have people you didn't ditch for "the love of your life" cause who's gonna be there for you when you really need it?

To the ones above: i love you all sooooooooo much. thanks. for everything.

Like walking on broken glass
No answers for what was asked, you're all alone
Cuz you know that I'd give my life for you
Time can be nothing but our enemy

she'd do anything to sparkle in his eye

shes been wishin on the stars that shine so bright, for answers to questions that will haunt her tonight

she must rinse this all away

bed for me.  love to the loves.  Kaitlin Brue      aka Brue Bailey (ahah, Jess)

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