May 08, 2010 22:31

So I've decided that I'm going to try to have new things. I don't know, some sort of self growth. Find hobbies. Maybe make some friends. One of the things I've decided to try is cooking.

Yeah, yeah, that's not necessarily a new thing for me. I know. But I want to make it a new thing by trying new things. New foods, new techniques, maybe come up with a fresh idea of my own. I only want to use fresh, premium ingredients. Yeah...frighteningly expensive I know. That is why this will probably only be a weekend thing. Plus there is no way I have the desire to cook every night. I do want to start hitting farmers markets and perhaps take some cooking classes as well.

So tonight was night one. I actually came up with this idea a couple months ago. But the ingredients were out of season. And I really had no real clue when they would be. But yesterday I went to the store asking when they would be in season. Sure enough they had 2 boxes in the back. So I got more than I needed just in case this turned out to be a success.

Fried Green Tomato BLT with chipotle Mayo

I went to the store because I had all the ingredients but chipotle and mayo. When I got to the store I saw chipotle mayo already made. But sticking to the fresh ingredient theme I got my own little bottle of mayo and a can of chipotle in adobo sauce. The bottle of mayo was about 2 cups so I put 4 peppers and some of the adobo with the mayo in a blender. Blended them up real proper like. Then set aside.

The green tomatoes I seasons with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper. Then dumped them in flour, then egg wash, then corn meal. Fried them in vegetable oil until golden brown.

I used applewood bacon.

I also used some fresh baked bread from wegmans. At first I was concerned that their rolls are too small but I just used 3 pieces of bread per sammich. I slabbed mayo on one side of all three pieces. I shredded some lettuce, assembled, then got my grub on.

I wish I took pictures because this was definately a success.

I ate tater tots with them. Sorry but I don't think I can approve on Ore-ida.

chipotle mayo, cooking, cornmeal, green tomato, adobo, applewood bacon

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