Oct 18, 2006 11:51
Some fucker has just called my office about 5 times swearing his head off and threatening to come into the office with a baseball bat to "smash your fucken head in" referring to me.
It's good to know we have totally fuck heads in this world who it seems are willing to be c**ts to totally strangers when they are trying to help them!
I'm really scared now :o(
I've got my two metal letter openers handy just in case worse comes to worse and I have to get stabby stabby.
This guy continued calling my office, he threated my boss telling her he was going to kill her and then threated one of our officials saying he was going to stab him.
Ends up this guy is a now former member of our union.
He is saddly an ice addict and was fired from his job for threating someone with sissors saying he was going to stab them.
I'm assured this guy is all talk, but who know's how f**ked up this guy is?
He could walk into my office any minute and attack me.
I don't want to be a receptionist anymore :o(