Feb 11, 2005 01:29
So I haven't updated in forever and I know I'm bad, sorry LJ Chair! But here goes nothing. My life lately has been crazy busy! I had to re-evaluate and prioritize my life, which I did and so far as been a great decision. Doing the normal thing, class, work, Greek Life, and partying. Having a great time as usual, I'm sure if you read my LJ, you read my sisters, so you know what I've been up to..haha!
Tonight was out of control, but fun! I went to the All Sorority Social and had SO much fun! It was a great turn-out and fun to hang out with sisters in different sweatshirts! :) I came home and the house was crazy, so many visitors tonight. APT 3 was having a Pi Movie Night, so a bunch of Sigma Pi's were here, then Kat Newton came by (I love alumni!) with Chris, and Rudy was here! It was like Greek night at the Pi House..lol! Beth, Liz, Kristin, Paddy, and myself deciding we needed to steal APT 3's new panda, so we did, it went on a little vacation, then we put a little message in our peep hole, check it out! Then they gave us some frozen ass tots and a special message with ketchup..nice touch! So we threw the tots at them..lol! "I have a hot tot in my hand!" Funny! I love living in the house for fun times like these! It makes me reminiscent of last year with APT 2 and DFA (APT 3)! :) Then things settled down and everyone left, so I started cleaning my room and Alisia im's me, funny ass convo, I love my special friend! I had to post this:
ShopGirlGV: spec..ur still up?
MissHiNMyT84: yeah
ShopGirlGV: like
ShopGirlGV: no
ShopGirlGV: one
ShopGirlGV: is
ShopGirlGV: myspacebarisntworking!
ShopGirlGV: wtf
MissHiNMyT84: haha
ShopGirlGV: omg
MissHiNMyT84: that's hilarious
ShopGirlGV: fixthis
ShopGirlGV: noitsnot
ShopGirlGV: thisblows
MissHiNMyT84: LOL
ShopGirlGV: nice
ShopGirlGV: shit
ShopGirlGV: itsnotworkingstill
ShopGirlGV: wtf
ShopGirlGV: serious
ShopGirlGV: l
MissHiNMyT84: is it stuck?
MissHiNMyT84: this might just be profile worthy
MissHiNMyT84: computer malfuncions
ShopGirlGV: idontknowhowdouunstickit?
MissHiNMyT84: no idea!
ShopGirlGV: omghelpme
ShopGirlGV: thisisscary
ShopGirlGV: this
MissHiNMyT84: hit it
ShopGirlGV: couldlikebetheendofaimforme
ShopGirlGV: omg
ShopGirlGV: !!!
MissHiNMyT84: haha..it's a sign from jesus..should have given it up for lent
ShopGirlGV: lol
ShopGirlGV: asshole
ShopGirlGV: maybeitisthough
ShopGirlGV: shit
ShopGirlGV: idontlikethis
MissHiNMyT84: seriously..think about it
MissHiNMyT84: did you hit it?
MissHiNMyT84: one good pound should do
MissHiNMyT84: lol
ShopGirlGV: omg it worked
MissHiNMyT84: wow!
MissHiNMyT84: i do have all the answers
MissHiNMyT84: LOL
ShopGirlGV: u fucking do!
MissHiNMyT84: glad to see it's back to normal
MissHiNMyT84: ;-)
It's times like these, that I enjoy helping my special friend through her tough times..lol!
Well I'm tired now and hopefully everyone enjoys this update, I know I did!
Until next time...