stolen from jess during one of my study breaks.

May 15, 2006 12:45


Where did you take your default picture on myspace? dave's room

What exactly are you wearing right now? rain boots, a shirt, jeans, and a hoodie

What is your current problem? my understanding america final tomorrow

What makes you most happy? sun showers, good times with good people

If you could go back in time and change something would you? yep. I'd change a lot of things.

Name something obvious about you: My hair is REALLY long

What's the name of the song that you're listening to? nothing

Any celebrity you would marry? nope

Name someone with the same birthday as you? You know, I don't know

Do you have a crush on someone? currently, no i do not.

Ever sang in front of a large audience? yep

What do you usually order from Starbucks? i don't. they are over priced and the coffee is nasty

Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? my grandma likes to tell people i look like adrianna esteves (brazilian soap actress) but i do not agree.

Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? yep. going to see over the hedge on friday :)

Do you speak any other languages? yep. portuguese and spanish

Have you ever ridden in a limo? yep

Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? not 'close', but close enough that it hurt

Do you ever watch MTV? only for Yo Momma

What's something that really annoys you? the list is quite long

Chapter 1: More about you

Middle Name: Franco.

Nickname(s): Mari

Current location: The basement of the Purchase College Library

eye color: today they are hazel

Chapter 2: Family

Do you live with your parents: yes

Do you get along with your parents: not for prolonged periods of time. my family can and does suffer from TMT. (too much together-ness)

Are your parents married/separated/divorced: married

Do you have any siblings: Marina

Chapter 3: Favorites

Ice cream flavor: I don't like ice cream

Season: summer

Shampoo/conditioner: brilliant brunette

Chapter 4: Do You

Sing in the shower: all the time

Call people back: i try my best

Believe in love: sometimes

Sleep on a certain side of the bed: at home where my bed is too big for me i sleep diagnoally.

Have any bad habits: yep. just like things that annoy me, the list is loooonngg

Chapter 5: Have You Ever

Broken a bone: nope

Gotten stitches: yes

Taken painkillers: yes

Gone SCUBA diving: yes

Been stung by a bee: no

Thrown up in a restaurant: unless you count wendy's

Been to overnight camp: no

Had detention: no

Been called a whore: yes. even though I wasn't the whore, (none of us were acutally) I was the only one who spoke spanish and therefore to the hostel owner.

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last

Person to text you? noah

Person to call you: Lilia

Person you tackled? no comment.

Thing you touched: My keyboard.

Thing you ate: a muffin

Thing you drank: iced coffee

Thing you said: good luck

I'm going to be in this dead quiet library all day, unless you count me going out to say bye to lilia. and I have to eat at some point. tomorrow is my final and then I'm back in yorktown. where nothing ever happens. thank God I have a car. and a job to pay for gas.
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