Obligatory Birthday Post...

Sep 25, 2007 21:17

Big thanks and hugs to all those who sent birthday wishes, and an special thank you to

strangevisitor7  for my first ever vgift *hugs*.

Quiet day, my nice boss let me take it as my off day, so went to lunch with my sister and then we went to see Death Proof.

It rocked! I laughed my arse off. I think I may be in love with QT. I can't wait to see Planet Terror, and I really hope that Grindhouse will get a release in the UK eventually.

Mum made me a yummy carrot cake with butter icing and my fave meal of Macaroni Cheese. What can I say? Anything with stodge and cheese, I'm a very happy bunny. XD

Then I spent two hours happily torturing my family by forcing them to play Singstar *eg*. A good time was had by all though. 
And my evening was rounded out by a delightfully Dan-tastic hour of Holby. *sighs contentedly* And he referenced M*A*S*H, which has completely reignited my old ideas about a Methos in Korea fic...*grin*

So now I can start looking forward to Christmas! Woo hoo! XD

birthday, peter wingfield love, thank you, squee, holby city, real life

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