Highlander drabble

Dec 16, 2010 17:12

Decided to use consci_fan_mo as an excuse to dust off my highlander50 table. This is for the prompt Centuries, my character is Richie for those of you who don't know (and why would you, it's been over two years since I last posted a fic for this table!) You can find the rest of my table here.

So, here for your hopeful enjoyment is a quick drabble:

Brief Moments of Doubt

Sometimes, when Duncan is telling another anecdote about his various exploits, the weight of his centuries terrifies Richie. The thought that he might live for that long, what he might achieve in that time. What he will lose.

It’s too much to bear some days.

But then he imagines what bikes will be like in ten, twenty years time. Or, better yet, how in a few hundred years he might be piloting a spaceship, travelling at light speeds across a galaxy. And hopefully he can share it all with Duncan, Amanda, even Methos.

Then centuries don’t seem quite so bad.

richie, fic, drabble, hl50, highlander

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