
Jun 03, 2009 23:13

Just accidentally discovered uncyclopedia while looking for images for my Big Bang project and I just had to paste part of the article here:

"Exit Wounds"
After being spun off from a more popular series (Buffy), and set in an implausible setting (vampires in California?!), complete with an equally implausible plot generator: a gateway to another world (the hellmouth) which a city (Sunnydale) is built on, and getting through its first years by surprisingly killing off a character (Doyle) early on and occasionally including elements from the original series (Willow/Darla), the program (Angel) has a cliffhanger where the immortal main character (Angel), played by an actor (David Boreanaz) with a single expression (befuddled) and prominent teeth (fangs), is entombed under the surface (of the sea) by a relative (Connor) who hates him due to his failure to save him, but the main character is saved thanks to the intervention of a character (Wesley), played by an American actor (Alexis Denisof) from Buffy who speaks in a fake British accent, and another character (Cordelia), who has implausibly gained special powers (communing with the Powers-That-Be), disappears off this earthly plane of existence (ascends), despite being loved by another character (Angel).

Oh, I'm sorry, that's "Angel" episodes "Tomorrow" and "Deep Down". Let's try again...

After being spun off from a more popular series (Doctor Who), and set in an implausible setting (aliens in Cardiff?!), complete with an equally implausible plot generator: a gateway to another world (the space-time rift) which a city (Cardiff) is built on, and getting through its first years by surprisingly killing off a character (Suzie) early on and occasionally including elements from the original series (Martha/UNIT), the program (Torchwood) has a cliffhanger where the immortal main character (Captain Jack), played by an actor (John Barrowman) with a single expression (manic grin) and prominent teeth (a triumph of American dentistry), is entombed under the surface (of the ground) by a relative (Grey) who hates him due to his failure to save him, but the main character is saved thanks to the intervention of a character (Captain John), played by an American actor (James Marsters) from Buffy who speaks in a fake British accent, and another character (Owen), who has implausibly gained special powers (undeath), disappears off this earthly plane of existence (dies), despite being loved by another character (Tosh).
There you go. "Torchwood" episode "Exit Wounds". Not even slightly similar to "Angel". Rumours that Russell T Davies has been seen in Cardiff library with "Angel" scripts and a large supply of 10p's for the photocopier are obviously exaggerated.

silly stuff, time wasting, snorfle, t'internet

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