22 more days until classes start- 22 more days to absorb the snow, family, and free time. Finally all my grades are in. I finished with a 3.7. I just can not believe it. I never thought I would be spending all my time in the library, but it all payed off. I am proud of myself, being that my goal was to get to Stony Brook and prove to myself that I was smarter than I thought. I also thought I might add that I dyed my hair. Planning on going lighter and lighter, I went dark.
Also, I have this video from the short Vacation in Maine. It was good to spend some quality time with my extended family and that Philipp could join in the 'fun' as well. From charades, to their interest in my Mac, watching them was so endearing and hilarious at times. Children really just lighten your spirits, lately I've been thinking about teaching as a profession... Sorry for the weird format. They are insaneee.
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