
Nov 13, 2006 15:05

wow, this was one of the longest weekends ever! though, i must admit, I am starting to enjoy the weekends more because I've actually found some people to hang out with. geez, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. I am about to take a nap, but I feel the need to write. Write about what? Perhaps its just a way to clear my mind, get it ready to finally sleep. I need to write more often, I have so much going on, and then I think about it all at once, thus, i have trouble sleeping. I do enjoy putting my thoughts down and reading them later, though i always put myself down and think "i was so stupid!"

so, college, i think its possibly one of the best experiences of my life. I love living on my own and taking classes i want to take and WHEN i want to take them. Just so much more freedom. I think i have finally gotten over the culture shock. I shall describe it as "students gone wild." I'm not sheltered, nor am I a loser, I just chose not to go to parties, drink, smoke, or have sex in high school. It was by CHOICE. So, coming here, I had never been around drunk people or been in a room full of everyone drinking. But now I'm used to it, and I'm not scared anymore. I have now found the true essence of the phrase "when in Rome.."

For some reason, this morning, I had a need to find this going away letter that Mr. Perone had given me. When the Bakersfield Californian did a profile on me for 'outstanding graduates,'they asked for a few quotes from him and he ended up writing them a letter about me, which he copied and gave to me. This morning, I just NEEDED to read it again, and I looked all through my file cabinet for it, but I think its at home, in my binder, or my mom has it. pshh, i hate not having all my stuff with me. anyways, in the letter, he just said some really nice things, and he just, you know, gets me, and i really needed to hear that for once. No more "you're weird," just, "i understand, you're awesome." This is actually funny, because, when i came to college, i thought "this is an opportunity to start over," and i thought i might try to be normal. nope, it didn't work. My mom's been trying to get me to be normal for years. eh, not going to happen, i guess.

oh, and i made cookies yesterday, it felt good, and they were delicious.
I downloaded a bunch of bright eyes tunes today. I enjoy the song "first day of my life." I think i'm going to transfer all my music and organize it when i go home for fall break.

here's what my schedule looks like this week:

mon: nap, NSO interview 7-9, homework, homework
tues: geology lab till 5 :( RSA meeting at 8, possible appearance at indie movie night
wed: class, homework, work 6-11/12
thurs: study study study, hopefully go to manny's frat party, or i will go see 'running with scissors' alone if i don't go
friday: register for classes, math quiz, go home, find out about NSO, work

don't let the haters keep you from doing your thang
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