Dec 28, 2008 09:42
My Roomie loves Club Vinyl. not. The only club I really have fun at is Tracks...I don't have to worry about perverted guys.....only perverted girls...they are easier to deal with.
Anyways... She and Shanae went to Vinyl last night. Good for them. Bad for me. They brought back like 8 people to the house. At first it was fine...shew oke me up for a second to says he brought some random people over. An hour or so later, they had the TV blasted and were playing a long round of King's Cup.
I woke up. Grr.
I joined them. Not with the drinking, but with the socializing. At this point, Krystie was trashed(Krystie is my roommate) she was in no shape to supervise the other 8 drunkards in the house. So I stayed up. At one point, she locked herself in her room with a guy(no sex).... and the other people wanted to leave. I wanted to go to sleep because I have work today. After ilke 40 minutes...they finally come out. the people finally leave.
Maybe I can has sleep now?
nope. Krystie turned into a sobbing drunk. I wasn't mad at her, but I worry about her. She's one of my best friends... I don't like to cry. But when you are drunk, you don't rationalize anything. It sucks. It took a long time for us to get her to go to sleep.
finally, 5:45am-6am...I get sleep. I wake up 3 hours later because I have to get ready for work. When I went to bed originally, I had given myself time for like 8 hours of sleep. Soooo did not happen. *sniffles*
But when she was drunk, she was talking about her "boy".... made me grumble. I have been having slight boy issues for a while now. There is this guy I like..have liked him for years, but he won't date me because he "doesn't want to ruin the friendship we already have". Bah. but he came to hang out the other day and did things, flirtatious things, that he have never done before... things thats people usually only do when they like someone. Unless he wanted to be REALLY REALLY evil and play a big joke on me. so now I don't know if he would actually date me...and it's bugging me. I want to ask him, but I don't want things to become awkward if it wasn't serious. So I sent Shanae in to talk to him. She's a third person outsider. I really hope it works. *sigh*